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Aww, we like you too.

Help grow the island's graduate community and sign up today. We look forward to chatting with you!

Join the Talent Pool

Want to become part of our growing talent pool? Well dive right in.

By joining our community we will consider you an honorary freelancer for future endeavours (paid of course) and showcase your talent whilst delivering creative projects on the Isle of Man.


Creative Spotlight Interviews

Want to showcase your work to a wider audience? Take part in our free creative spotlight interviews for the opportunity to get your name out there and into the spotlight.

Have a look at our previous blog posts to get a feel for this initiative.


Be Part of a Community

It's no secret that leaving university can be rather daunting and it's easy to miss that camaraderie you have with fellow uni peers.  

We want to recapture that feeling of belonging and create something awesome to be a part of. 

Let's Get This Party Started

Only essential info, straight to your inbox.

No spam allowed, boooo.

Welcome to the club!
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